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Happy Users + Satisfied Tool Owners = ROLGEN Success

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24x7 Customer support
Listed within 18 hours
Dedicated Account Manager
Tool update on request
FAQ section
Verified badge
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Dedicated blog post


Dedicated social media post


Free Newsletter


Custom Pricing
24x7 Customer support
Listed within 18 hours
Dedicated Account Manager
Tool update on request
FAQ section
Verified badge
Indexed on Google
Target countries


Dedicated blog post ( 1 )
Dedicated social media post ( 1 )
Free Newsletter (Value: $99)


Custom Pricing
Custom Pricing
Complete account support
Included with Premium Plus packages
Tools listed with coupon code buttons
Sponsorship packages
Creator and Influencer campaigns
Publish your Article & Interviews
Target countries


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Terms Disclosure

All tool submissions are subject to editorial review. Tools may be rejected or taken down from the site if, at any point, the features of the tool are considered unsuitable for our audience.
We assure an automatic and complete refund in the event that your AI Tools / Extension / API is not accepted by our editorial team. Refunds are no longer applicable once a tool has been accepted and published.
Why Choose Us?
Why Choose Us?
Our Reach & Targets
Our Reach & Targets
Your Benefits
Your Benefits
Tool Submission Guidelines
Tool Submission Guidelines
AspectROLGEN PositivesOther Directories Negatives
Web Experience & SafetyUser-friendly interface, fast page results & excellent security measuresBulky navigation, slow response times & risking user data
Payment Modes & SecurityAccepts major global payment modes globally with robust transaction encryptionFew payment options, exposed to security risks
Refund PolicyClear and customer-friendly refund policyAmbiguous or non-existent refund policies
Corporate RegistrationGovernment-registered corporate entityLack of official registration, raising credibility concerns
Quick Listing ApprovalTools listed within 18 hours of approvalLengthy approval times, causing delay in tool visibility
Edit/Update Tools AnytimeFlexibility to edit or update tools upon requestRestricted ability to modify tool information
Dedicated DashboardPersonalized dashboard to view and edit listed toolsLack of dedicated tools dashboard, hindering control and access
Targeted User EngagementFocus on organic and professional user engagementAttracts spam visitors, diluting the quality of engagement
Marketing StrategiesUtilizes Google SEO, SMM, Email marketing, SEM, etc.Limited marketing support, relying solely on tool listing
AI Developers and Engineers
Machine Learning Researchers
Startups in the AI Space
AI Companies
Freelance AI Developers
AI Enthusiasts
Educational Institutions
Tech Bloggers and Influencers
Affiliate Marketers
Research and Development Teams
Government Agencies
Healthcare Professionals
Financial Analysts
Cybersecurity Experts
Marketing Professionals
Gaming Industry Professionals
Human Resources Professionals
E-commerce Businesses
Non-profit Organizations

Your Benefits for AI Tools / AI Extension / API:

1. Reach Your Target Audience Globally

"Connect with AI enthusiasts and professionals worldwide, ensuring your AI tools, extensions, or APIs reach the right audience."

2. Enhance Credibility with Genuine Ratings

"Boost your credibility with genuine and trusted ratings from our expert evaluators for your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."

3. Drive Sales and Leads with Ease

"Sit back and watch the results unfold as we drive sales and leads for your AI tools, extensions, or APIs, providing a worry-free experience."

4. Early Adoption for Great ROI

"Be an early adopter and reap the rewards with a significant Return on Investment(ROI) for your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."

5. Multichannel Promotion through SEO, SMM, Email Marketing, and More

"Reach your audience through various channels like Google SEO, SMM, Email Marketing, SEM, forums, communities, events, and webinars for your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."

6. Tailored Offers and Discounts for Targeted Exposure

"Reach the right audience through personalized offers, discounts, and coupon codes tailored to showcase your AI tools, extensions, or APIs effectively."

7. Advertisement Options for All Plans

"Access advertising options tailored to all three plan types for your AI tools, extensions, or APIs, ensuring visibility and exposure."

8. Stay Informed with Daily Updates

"Receive daily updates and announcements through email, keeping you informed about your AI tools', extensions', or APIs' performance."

9. Gain a Permanent SEO Backlink

"Secure a permanent SEO backlink, enhancing the visibility and search engine ranking of your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."

10. Reach Affiliate Marketers Effectively

"Connect with affiliate marketers through our site, expanding your reach and potential collaborations for your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."

Your Future Benefits for AI Tools / AI Extension / API:

1. Mobile Accessibility with Dedicated App

"Access our site on any device with ease through our dedicated app, ensuring mobility and convenience for your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."

2. Transparent Analytical Reports

"View transparent monthly or weekly analytical reports detailing visitor reach, enhancing your understanding of the performance of your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."

3. Third-Party Coupon Code Visibility

"Gain visibility through popular third-party coupon code, offers, and discount sale sites, reaching a broader audience with your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."

4. Affiliate Publisher Collaboration

"Explore partnership opportunities with affiliate publishers, leveraging commission-based agreements for faster site reach with your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."

5. Guaranteed Clicks through Big Promotions

"Enjoy guaranteed clicks from visitors through extensive big promotions, ensuring impactful and effective exposure for your AI tools, extensions, or APIs."
1.What types of tools can be listed?
To maintain a professional and respectful environment, we only allow safe AI tools, applications, Extensions, and APIs. Your submitted tools must incorporate AI features.
2. What if my AI tool is not approved?
Full refunds are issued for unapproved AI tools. All submissions undergo editorial review, and tools may be rejected or removed if the features are considered unsuitable for our audience.
3. What is your refund policy?
We assure an automatic and complete refund if your AI Tool /Extension / API is not accepted. Refunds are not applicable once a tool is accepted and published.
4. Does my listing expire?
No, your listing never expires with Premium and custom listing plans. Once published on our directory, it remains indefinitely.
5. How to edit or update my listed tool?
You can use the 'Edit tool' button on your Account Dashboard, drop us an email at or navigate to the "Update tool request" link, which will take you to the update tool form.
6. How do I get the best exposure?
We ask for essential tools info during the submission process. After submission, we guide you to update additional information through email. Once reviewed, your tool is published on our site.
7. When will my tool be listed?
Upon receiving all required info, we review and publish within 18 hours. If your tool doesn't fit, we issue a refund promptly.
8. Do you offer clicks for free?
Yes, once approved and published, your tool gains visibility through site search, Review page, category pages and resources. Guaranteed clicks are available for enhanced visibility.
9. Can I purchase more clicks?
Certainly, inquire about custom pricing through our Contact link to discuss options for additional clicks.
10. I have a large budget. What options do I have?
We recommend a blended sponsorship across the website, newsletter, and social media. Reach out to our Sales Team for custom solutions tailored to your budget
11. Do you offer free listings?
Yes, complete this application. The editorial team reviews it within 45 days. If accepted, there are limitations to listing features, and support or edits are unavailable.
12. Why do you charge a listing fee?
In the dynamic AI field, we maintain quality with a nominal fee, covering verification, unbiased reviews, and refund options.
13. What are the benefits of listing my tools?
Listing your tools on Rolgen comes with a multitude of benefits. Explore the Benefits Section to discover the advantages and opportunities awaiting your AI tools.
14. Why choose Rolgen, and what advantages do you offer compared to other tool directories?
Discover the advantages of choosing Rolgen over other tool directories by exploring the Comparison Section. Learn how our platform stands out and provides unique benefits for your AI tools.
15. What about reach and targets when I list the tool, and who is your target audience?
Understand the reach and target audience by exploring the Reach and Target Section. Learn about the extensive exposure your tool will receive and how we cater to a global audience of AI enthusiasts and professionals.
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