
Cylance, now part of BlackBerry, pioneers AI-driven endpoint security solutions, ensuring robust protection against evolving cyber threats.

What does



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Cylance aims to revolutionize endpoint security by leveraging artificial intelligence to proactively detect and prevent malicious activities, safeguarding organizations from cyberattacks.

Use Cases

  • Content Generation.
  • Document Editor.
  • Tone of Voice Settings.
  • Sentence Rewriting.
  • Plagiarism Checker.
  • Grammarly Integration.
  • Advanced Threat Detection
  • Malware Prevention
  • Endpoint Protection
  • Zero-day Attack Prevention
  • Behavioral Analysis
  • Incident Response
  • Ransomware Defense
  • Fileless Attack Mitigation
  • Insider Threat Detection
  • Secure Remote Work Environments


  • Blog writing made better with AI-powered writing, editing, and optimization.
  • Write copy that converts with Jasper's AI copywriting solutions.
  • Boost traffic and conversions with AI-powered content creation, optimization, and SEO-friendly integrations.
  • Level-up your content strategy with AI-powered content repurposing, optimization, and collaboration.
  • AI-powered social media tools to help you create captions and repurpose content at-scale.
  • Engage your audiences and increase open rates with AI-powered email marketing.
  • AI-Powered Threat Detection
  • Predictive Prevention
  • Lightweight Agent
  • Real-time Threat Intelligence
  • Scalable Architecture
  • Cloud Integration
  • Endpoint Visibility
  • Automatic Updates
  • Centralized Management
  • Reporting and Analytics


Cylance offers enticing discounts up to 20% on selected subscription plans for new customers.





Icon 1 Accuracy and Reliability:   5/5
Icon 2 Ease of Use:   4/5
Icon 3 Functionality and Features:   5/5
Icon 4 Performance and Speed:   5/5
Icon 5 Customization and Flexibility:   4/5
Icon 6 Support and Resources:   5/5
Icon 7 Data Privacy and Security:   5/5
Icon 8 Cost-Efficiency:   4/5
Icon 9 Integration Capabilities:   5/5
Icon 10 Overall Score:   4.5/5
Is Cylance effective against zero-day attacks?

Yes, Cylance's AI-driven approach excels in detecting and preventing zero-day threats.

Can Cylance be deployed across diverse endpoints?

Absolutely, Cylance offers seamless deployment across various platforms and devices.

How does Cylance ensure data privacy?

Cylance adheres to strict data privacy regulations and employs robust encryption methods to safeguard sensitive information.

Does Cylance require constant internet connectivity?

No, Cylance's lightweight agent operates efficiently both online and offline.

Is Cylance compatible with existing security infrastructures?

Yes, Cylance integrates seamlessly with other security tools, enhancing overall protection.

How often are Cylance's threat intelligence updates released?

Cylance provides real-time threat intelligence updates to ensure proactive defense against emerging threats.

Can Cylance detect and prevent fileless attacks?

Absolutely, Cylance's behavioral analysis identifies and mitigates fileless attack vectors effectively.

What level of customer support does Cylance offer?

Cylance provides 24/7 customer support and comprehensive resources for effective assistance.

Is Cylance suitable for small businesses?

Yes, Cylance offers scalable solutions suitable for businesses of all sizes.

How does Cylance handle false positives?

Cylance employs advanced algorithms to minimize false positives and maximize detection accuracy.

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